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Tuesday 11 October 2016

Maintaining Your Calmness

At the first time when I want to write that Line status, what comes to my mind actually wasn't calmness, but calamity. Which is, of course, worlds apart. I don't know how, but I'll try to give some explanation which might be the reason.

Between calmness and calamity. That's where I'm right now. I studied Electronic Materials this semester, and I'd like to try to apply that knowledge to understand what's happening with me right now. Imagine a semiconductor's energy band, or at least, take a look at the picture below. At the lowest part there's Valence Band where electron rotates smoothly and steadily around the nucleus of an atom. You can also see the Conduction Band, where the free/unbounded electron is. It can run away anywhere it wants, it was the physical form of the current going through a wire, it can bring energy and power. What happens is, when you give the semiconductor enough potential difference(V), some of the steady electron in the valence band will jump through the vacuum energy level(Egap). Thus, transforming into a free electron.
Pita energi dari suatu semikonduktor
Let's make it an analogy. Valence band is where calmness is, and conduction band is where calamity (disaster) is. I was trying to stay calm. But, right now I felt like a little bit more push to myself, and I'll go explode. I'll roam free, do whatever I want without even thinking of the consequences, or else, I'll do something great, really great that I will be really proud of. Well, just like currents. You may get electric shock when you touch it, but if you use it on a bulb lamp, it'll shine. Right now, I'm still trying to be sane while being given a difference of condition(let's take it as V). I might jump right after this, to become a free electron.

Yah, whatever.

But just to tell you, I often faced times like this. And I often get confused by it. I felt like my mind's going to explode, but, often there's just nowhere to soothe it down.

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