Maybe I should write something about this part of my life too, shouldn't I?
Well, this game is just a 2D game in which we raise the level of a character. And then, using this character whom level has been raised, we unlock other characters which was able to be unlocked through, usually, quest. And after we've raised the level of our characters high enough. There're plenty of things to do, though. Just go to dungeon to fight the monsters solo, or maybe with 2 or 3 friends to beat that dungeon. The rules in the dungeon is simple-well, if it's the simple original dungeon. We just have to defeat the monsters in a certain area, and after defeating those monsters, we go to the portals to be teleported to the next stage. We've to wait for the other player to come in to the portal too, though. Like that, until we go to the late area. In these area there's usually some special thing. Like we've to go through, well, cliff-in 2D shape- where if we fall then we'll lose one of our lives-oh yeah, there're three lives for every player on the dungeon. And also, in contrary to the low-level-dungeon, the high-level-dungeon usually have one or two special monster/s called mini-boss which was harder to fight than the common monsters. And of coourse, in the last area, there's this one monster called Boss. Boss's health bar are shown way larger on the monitor then the usual, well, usually so does their size.
This's the boss's health bars (it can gets to 40x, you know? =-=)
PvP, or the short of Player-versus-Player stands for an event where a player fight against another player. Doesn't have to be through physical contact, but can be through many other way such as competing to destroy a box in the time meaning. But, the one I used to play was the one with physical contact. /+_+/ *slurp. They're best, really. So, there's two main type in Grand Chase PvP. First is the Team mode, where it can be played through 1v1,2v2,3v3 player. They tagged and try to make the enemies's lives from 3 to 0. And the other one is the survival mode. In this gaaame *spirited* we have to be the last person standing in order to be the WINNER!! Well, as usual, there's 6 slots of player. And in this mode, all the player who set ready at the first of the game will become enemy with every other player when the game has been played. And it's the same rule, we've 3 lives. Well, okay, that's the introduction. Let's get on to the next part: Greetings.
'Hi, Name's Loki. What's yours?' 'Hmm? Freya? It's nice to meet you :)'
Hha :D, that's my favourite fictional dialogue ever since I around.. mm, maybe 3 years ago. Doesn't really have any meanings, though. Just my deep dream(?) of meeting with Freya, my Freya. Meh, enough with the geje talks =-=.
![]() | ||||||
GCID : GuardianLoki Job played : Ryan, Sieghart, Mari | ||||||
Guild : None (Well, never) | ||||||
Couple : None (Never) |
Well, my nickname is GuardianLoki. Actually I want it to be GuardianOfLoki, but it seems it was too long and the game just couldn't bear with +1 alphabet-__-". I chose this name because I don't think I was tantamount with Loki at that time. So I chose to be his guardian.. And I've played Grand Chase, ever since it was still such a young boy. The game, I mean. I've played it since Open Beta on around June of 2010. (Launching-Closed Beta-Open Beta-Normal Season). Well, if you wanna know what Open Beta is, I'll tell you. Open Beta is used for, say, a test-run for the game for every players who wants to try it. And through this Open Beta, the game is fixed by the finding of bugs by player, or by the Game Server themselves.
Okay", enough. And say, I played the game from that time, until now. I did break, sometimes, but I keep play the games after those breaks. Back then, the game was so much fun :D. Everyone supports each other in order for them to level up. Whenever we need help, there's always one. Not now, though =-=. Everybody just think of themselves(maybe me, too). And just like a mature society, people on the game are also becoming like that. There's good, and there's bad. There's people who do pensi(stopped play the game) and newbies who want to try the vastness of this
And next, the place where my inner maturity grows. The place where I look for myself: PvP.
Say, now, my win is around 5040 and my lose is 2020. In count, my win rate was at 71.4%. Analyzing the facts: It means I've played for some 7060 games. Which must have means I've faced thousands of different people. I've won for around 5 thousands of games. And have been beaten for around 2 thousands of games. Those all are for around 2 years.
Going through those all. I've learned many things. About others, about myself, about winning, about losing, about being disliked by someone, being liked by someone(?), go through mouth debate over the game, hating something because of the unability to accept lose, and so on. But, then, my win rate is 71%. Where there's winners, there will always be losers to make it balance. And here in this game, I was considered as 'the winners'. In facts, I do still loses many games. Because of one thing. Another thing that I learned from it. 'The truth is that, the winner comes from those who adapts best, and not those who win early'. It's real, though. When I do 1-1 fight. We adapts our own style so that we can best beat each other. And the real winner doesn't always be the one who won at first. He might had won at first, but as the next games come. He might not be able to become the winner anymore. It is the one who can best adapt his style with his enemy's style that will do the streak win-that's when one player's style truly dominates the other's style- and comes out as the real winner. Mm, maybe that's all that I want to write for today. So much already =-=. Oyasuminasai~ *ketularan
PPHEEEWWW, finally it's over--". 23:01 already.. Well, take care there :). See ya everyone~
\\ Beautiful \\
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