Selamat datang di blog seorang pribadi pembelajar :) Namaku Hawari, namamu siapa?

Thursday, 19 December 2013

Luv The Rain

Standing in the rain makes me realize how cold life really is.
How I know that what I'm going through is real.
When I know I'm not in my comfort zone.
I'm pushing myself to feel the rain pour down through me.

It's such a great realization.
It's such a huge blow to me.
That life is cold. It has never been warm.
All the warmth served was just illusion.
Life is harsh, Haw. Life is rough.
And you've to got through all that!


Saturday, 7 December 2013

Blind? Fight on!

Cool Blind people. Let's just say it sucks having to live meaningless life because of having a misused eye..

Ray Charles

Born poor and black during the depression, things already weren't going Ray's way. In his own words: "Even compared to the other blacks...we were on the bottom of the ladder looking up at everyone else. Nothing below us except the ground." Despite a life that was already sounding like the worst parts of a racist Disney movie, Ray still described himself as a happy kid. However fate, clearly not being enough of a dick yet, had his younger brother drown in a bathtub right in front of him. Horrified at having to witness this, his eyes just gave up and started to stop working. Rather than get all teary about this like a regular dude he just got right up and learned himself some piano. Which as you may already know, works out quite well for him. Just in case you don't, he became one of the greatest musicians of his time, called a genius by Frank Sinatra. His popularity even helped bring black music of the time into the mainstream.
(picture of wiggers captioned: which lead to this)
Like most cool people he also had a drug problem and has said that he "enjoys getting behind the wheel," which is both most the awesome and most incredibly scary combination ever. I live in fear of the day that I pull up to a red light and glance at the car stopped next to me, only to see a blind man look at me from the driver seat, drugged up to his useless eyeballs and daring me to race him.

 Esref Armagn

Esref Armagn was born in Turkey in 1953 both blind and poor, so he wasn't exactly off to a running start. But as his young friends were just beginning their exciting careers as street urchins and pickpockets, he was hard at work teaching himself to write and paint. Did I mention he had no formal schooling to help him do this, and also that he's freaking blind? Yet despite all this he taught himself how to paint with full colour and perspective. Remember that guy you knew in college who was studying art? He sold a painting or two (which you thought looked like it was done by a retarded child with no hands but you just 'didn't get it') and was totally going to make it big just as soon as his website took off? When you see him at your next reunion, starting to lose his hair and still teaching high school art class, feel free to tell him about the blind guy who has had twenty art shows in cities all over the world. Ask him how his art career is going, sell any paintings lately?

 Yoo Ye Eun(Specially written by me)

She was born on 2003. Adopted when she was just 1 month as a baby. She was first well know on her first performance in a talent show whose competitors are mostly teenager to adult people. Thus she came and made the best record ever in the show's history. 95. While her competitor back then only scored 71. She was one gift that Allah sent to this world. She can play a music only after hearing it once without missing a tut. She doesn't complaint. The song she first sing whilst playing the piano was "You were born to be loved". (

Note: I'm motivated to learn about signal languange(inggris mekso)-bahasa isyarat..
